Types of Equity Shares, Features of Equity Shares

Types of Equity Shares-What are the Types of Equity Shares-Different Types of Equity Shares-Features of Equity Shares

“Equity shares” is a common stock market and business term. When a company shuts, its equity is the amount it owes its shareholders. Shares or stocks represent the capital allocation of each shareholder. Let us understand different types of equity shares and features of equity shares in this topic.

The voting rights of equity shareholders are significant. Therefore, these voting rights determine how a corporation is run and who is appointed to its board of directors. The voting power of each share kind varies. Typically, one stock equals one vote.

Different Types of Equity Shares

Most investors buy stocks because their prices increase and fall, not because they provide dividends. To maximize earnings, investors sell high-priced equities and buy low-priced stocks. The following are types of equity shares:

The Right Shares

Right shares enable current shareholders to purchase new shares at a predetermine price and time. They are newly issue equities that present shareholders can claim before they become publicly available.

Right shares are given in the same manner as bonus shares. Besides, if a company issues 2,000 new shares and a shareholder owns 2% of the existing stock, that shareholder is entitle to forty more shares.

Bonus Shares

Bonus shares are free shares given to existing shareholders. By issuing bonus shares, a company can convert set-aside earnings into common ownership. Dividends are typically replace by bonus shares for shareholders.

On the other hand, companies distribute bonus shares in a proportional manner. Mr. Amit will receive 50 free shares if he owns 200 shares of Hindustan Unilever Ltd and the corporation offers a 1:4 bonus.

Sweat Types of Equity Shares

Staff or directors are typically compensate with sweat equity shares. Sweat equity is a non-monetary contribution to a company. Corporations issue “sweat equity shares” to volunteers. Moreover, businesses retain employees by providing them with ownership and an interest in the company’s assets.

Voting and Non-voting Shares

Most equity shares include voting rights as part of their ownership. In rare cases, a company may offer shares with no voting rights.

This year, Tata Motors issued ‘A’ shares; 10 ‘A’ shares equal one vote. Voting is a privilege. These stocks were 5% more profitable per share than normal ones.

Authorized Share Capital

The allowed share capital of a firm must be include in the Articles of Association. This amount can be raise by selling stock. Although, a company’s authorized share capital can be increase in a variety of ways under the law.

Issued Share Capital

It displays the paper share value of a corporation. If a company’s issued share capital is Rs. 20,000 and the nominal value of a share is Rs.

Employee Stock Options (ESOPs)

In addition, employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) are a method of retaining and motivating employees. In an ESOP, employees can purchase shares at a set price. So, these shares are obtain by employees and directors through an ESOP.

Subscribed Share Capital

How much of the issued capital has been purchase by investors? Additionally, the subscribed capital of the ultimate company would be Rs.15 lakh if investors purchased 15,000 shares. If all of a company’s shares are purchase by investors, the issued and subscribed equity are the same.

Dividends Types of Equity Shares

It refers to equities that pay dividends. In addition, these businesses are often older and have a consistent net income. Dividend stocks are advantageous to risk-averse investors.

Paid-up Capital

Paid-up capital is the sum payable by investors for previously own stock. Because shareholders often pay the entire amount at once, subscribed equity and paid-up equity are the same. A premium is the difference between the price of a stock and its fair value.

Value Types of Equity Stocks

These stocks are significantly undervalue. As a result, value investors who believe the market will catch up should purchase these shares.

Growth Stocks

Companies with above-average growth are associate with growth stocks. These businesses rarely pay dividends, but their stock provides excellent profits. These are equities for daring investors.

Features of Equity Shares

A person’s corporate ownership is indicate through equity shares. Besides, if Ms. Priya has 10,000 shares in Company M, she has a Rs.10,000 stake. Features of equity shares are as follows:

Significant Returns

Profitable If they are successful, investors can make a lot of money from stocks. These approaches are risky. Stocks are also highly volatile.

Price changes may be influence by both internal and external factors. These securities should only be purchase by risk takers.

Permanent Shares

Permanent shares are issue with no par value, are payable in cash, and are investing as risk capital. They have the rights and limits of the Rules since they are a permanent element of the Society’s capital. This can result in dividends/interest.

Voting Rights

The majority of shareholders can vote. Also, this enables them to select strong leaders. Besides, selecting strong managers increases annual profitability. Investors’ average dividend income may rise.


It provide a portion of a company’s income to its shareholders. Moreover, dividends could be distribute from the annual profits of a corporation. The Dividends are not necessary, though. If a company does not make enough money, it may not be able to pay dividends.

Additional Profits

Earnings are increase. Extra earnings are distribute to stock owners. The fortune of the investor grows. Therefore, the amount made by developers after purchasing property, creating, and selling apartments is refer as additional profit.

Limited Liability

Shareholders are secure from corporate losses through limited liability. Instead, the company’s debts are not payable by its shareholders. Stock prices are falling. Although, this has an impact on the return on investment of shareholders.


Stocks are quite liquid. On stock exchanges, shares are tradable. During trading hours, shares can be purchased or sold at any moment. So stockholders should not be concerned.


Preference shares can also be issue by businesses. The majority of a company’s funds come from equity shares. Many firm rights are available to equity owners. Moreover, shareholders are liable for a company’s losses in proportion to their ownership. Hope you understood what are the different types of equity shares and features of equity shares across the topic. Stay up-to-date with the latest research on types of share capital topic by reading this recent article.

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